We are officially open for customers not at risk of Covid-19 transmission. We follow the new recommendations of the Ordre des dentistes du Québec and the government to the letter. Please note that our schedules are constantly changing to serve you better.
Mask and face covering!
All customers will be accompanied in their travels to avoid the risk of contamination and must wear a mask or face covering.
Here is an article on how to wear your face covering and reduce the risk of contamination: Wearing a face covering: stop bad habits!
Telephone screening required
The first step is to ensure the health of our customers and staff. All appointments will be made over the phone or electronically. Here are the questions that are asked of all our customers to screen and ensure your safety and that of our employees:
- Does the patient have any of the following symptoms?
- Fever (over 380 C) OR
- Cough (recent or exacerbated chronic) OR
- Sudden anosmia (loss of smell) without nasal obstruction, with or without ageusia (loss of taste) OR
- Breathing difficulties.Has the patient tested positive for COVID-19 or is he awaiting a test result?
- Has the patient had close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19?
- Does the patient require a dental procedure at risk of transmission of COVID-19 by aerosols?
We invite you to watch the new customer experience!
The second step: make the Dental Center safe. Oral treatments at Aldente have gradually resumed since June 1, 2020. Your dentists are currently taking all the necessary means to adapt to the pandemic so that your treatments take place safely. Here’s what you can expect at your next appointment:
How will we take care of you?
We have modified the operation, equipment and logistics to serve you better. Here are some small global changes made to ensure this by following the directives of the government and the Ordre des dentistes du Québec:
- The secretary will have to contact you personally to make the appointment and submit a telephone questionnaire to you.
- This questionnaire will be submitted to you again when you arrive at the clinic and your temperature will be taken with a non-contact thermometer.
- The waiting rooms have been transformed to respect the rules of physical distance and protective panels have been added to the secretariat.
- All patients will be accompanied in their travels to avoid the risk of contamination and must wear a mask or face covering.
- Staff will be required to wear additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (mask, visor and gown).
- The ventilation of each operating room should be reviewed to ensure 99% air filtration between each patient. And many more measures…