Sleep apnea
Do you suffer from one or more of the following symptoms?
- Snoring sound
- Periodic cessation of breathing
- Excessive sleepiness during the day
- Non-restorative sleep
- Concentration and memory problems
- Irritability and personality change
Sleep apnea syndrome is often taken lightly by people, yet these sleep disorders can have serious consequences. Mainly at the social and marital level for snoring. But sleep apnea syndrome can have far more serious health consequences, even leading to premature death.
Here is a guide from the Order of Dentists of Quebec on obstructive sleep apnea. This guide was produced by the College of Physicians of Quebec, the Order of Dentists of Quebec and the Professional Order of Inhalotherapists of Quebec.
The negative effects of sleep apnea
- Loss of productivity at home or at work due to excessive daytime sleepiness associated with unrefreshing sleep.
- Work or road accident caused by drowsiness and fatigue.
- Depression caused by loss of productivity, family and relationship issues, and health issues.
- Heart attack, ventricular fibrillation, stroke and even death. Research confirms that people with sleep apnea are more likely to have hypertension, ventricular fibrillation, heart attacks and strokes.
- Lack of restful sleep can impact your pain tolerance, mood, hormones, and of course, your cardiovascular system.
- Le manque de sommeil réparateur peut avoir des répercussions sur votre tolérance à la douleur, votre humeur, vos hormones et bien sûr, votre système cardio-vasculaire.
Symptoms of sleep apnea
People with sleep apnea are people who often have chronic pain, orofacial pain, bruxism, they often take several medications, they are more easily irritable due to lack of sleep… Sleep apnea Sleep brings a lot of problems on a person’s general health condition, which greatly affects the quality of life. A consultation with one of our dentists can guide you. Your symptoms can help one of our dentists diagnose sleep apnea syndrome. We will then guide you to a sleep clinic who can assess your sleep quality and give you recommendations.