What is xylitol?
Xylitol is a polyol extracted from birch bark, considered for twenty years as a remarkable substitute for conventional sugar in Nordic countries. It is a natural substance found in fibrous fruits and vegetables and in some leafy trees. This natural sweetener is health-promoting and helps stabilize insulin and hormone levels. It does not harm teeth and does not have the side effects of sugar or most sweeteners. Xylitol promotes healing; it is a natural antimicrobial that inhibits the growth of bacteria. It is the only type of sugar that does not promote or feed harmful bacteria and fungi.
It looks and tastes like sugar and has the same sugar content. It contains only 2.4 calories per gram and is slowly absorbed like a complex carbohydrate. Xylitol can be used in recipes that call for sugar by replacing it in equal amounts.
The benefits of xylitol
Xylitol is a 100% natural sweetener extracted from plant sources. Twenty years of research prove its effectiveness in treating dry mouth and reducing cavities. German chemists discovered this natural sugar at the end of the 19th century in birch bark and since then it has also been noticed in fruits and vegetables. These multiple benefits make it an appropriate response to some public health problems related to a general overconsumption of sugar.
Stimulates saliva production
Helps reduce the incidence of cavities
Healthy and safe choice; its glycemic index is low, making it ideal for diabetics
Low glycemic index
Naturally fresh taste
We use it in the kitchen
Source of information and even more details: Oral Science